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Mobile Lessons

This is not your father's golf instruction. We shop at home, and work from home. Now we can improve our golf game at home.  With video analysis and ball flight simulation, Roving Golf Academy can provide lessons right from your living room, your garage or your office.  Let RGA come to you and provide first-rate instruction at your convenience.
Have a work event? RGA can set up at your event, evaluate swings, impress clients and provide ball flight analysis.


Indoor Lessons

With my indoor golf studio in the Casselberry/Altamonte/Maitland area, learn how to properly swing the club and to create the ideal ball flight.  Using video in a controlled environment, we work step by step to increase consistency through proper mechanics.

With a TruGolf projection simulator, the goal is to improve ball flight, increase consistency and distance. It is 72 degrees and always sunny inside my studio.

If traditional outdoor lessons are more your thing, I teach at a handful of Orlando area ranges as well.


Fitness Sessions

Is your physical condition, your flexibility, past injuries or your physical limitation leading to certain swing characteristics?  For example, is your inability to internally rotate your hips causing swaying?  Does limited glute strength cause you to early extend? Is your current golf swing causing "golf elbow" or lower back pain? With an in-house fitness studio, Roving Golf Academy can get you using your body properly to eliminate unwanted swing characteristics.  Or, we can help you simply get in better shape so you don't tire out on the back nine.

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